Lluna Case Study


Employees were not able to personalize their work and compensation packages around their specific needs.


We have created an app with personal user manuals and smart dashboards for hybrid teams. With the Lluna app, businesses are able to build high-performing teams through meaningful connections and allowing employees to personalize their work.


  • Figma
  • Bubble.io
  • Slack
  • Asana


  • 2 UI/UX designers
  • 2 Bubble.io developers
  • 1 project manager


Project Scoping


User Flow Diagram




UI/UX Design


App Development



Personas & User Flow Diagram

We wanted to form a deeper understanding of our users’ goals, needs, experiences, and behaviors. So, we created 4 personas for each of our user segments. (Manager, Employee, Company Admin & Lluna Admin).

Low Fidelity WireFrames

Low fidelity wireframes are important in the UI/UX design process because they provide a quick and low-cost way to explore and iterate on design ideas. This allows our designers to focus on the overall layout and structure without getting caught up in visual details, thus facilitating early feedback and collaboration.

App Development

Our agile app development process involves breaking down the high fidelity wireframes into smaller user stories or tasks, prioritizing them based on value and complexity, and iteratively developing and testing the app in short sprints, collaborating closely with the designers to ensure the final product aligns with the intended user experience and design vision.

Quality Assurance / App Testing

We systematically test the app’s functionality, performance, and user experience, employing various testing techniques for user acceptance. This ensure that the app meets the desired quality standards and resolves any potential issues before deployment, thereby enhancing the overall reliability and usability of the app.

Lluna went on to receive investment
from the following companies!

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